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gtx (version 0.0.8)

multipheno.T2: Multi-phenotype test for association


For a set of phenotypes, given summary results for association tests for each single phenotype, over a large fixed set of marker genotypes (e.g. GWAS results), this function calculates a multi-phenotype association test for each marker that is equivalent to using the subject-specific data to perform a multivariate analysis of variance for each marker.




a matrix of association Z statistics, with rows corresponding to markers and columns corresponding to phenotypes.


A list with two elements (both of length nrow(z)). “T2” contains the test statistics, which are chi-squared with ncol(z) d.f. under the null, and “pval” contains the P-values.


The function is named for the close correspondence with Hotelling's T2 test.

It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the columns of “z” are marginally well calibrated, i.e. over a set of null markers, each column of “z” should be standard normal marginal to the other columns of “z”.

Rank deficient situations are currently not handled.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# nsubj <- 400 # number of subjects
# nsnp <- 4000 # intended number of SNPs in GWAS
# snps <- replicate(nsnp, rbinom(nsubj, 2, rbeta(1, 1.2, 1.2)))
# ## simulate with random allele frequencies
# snps <- snps[ , apply(snps, 2, var) > 0]
# nsnp <- ncol(snps) # number after filtering monomorphic
# beta <- matrix(rnorm(30, 0, 0.1), ncol = 3)
# ## matrix of effects of 10 snps on 3 phenotypes
# y1 <-  rnorm(nsubj)
# y2 <- .1*y1 + rnorm(nsubj)
# y3 <- .1*y1 + .3*y2 + rnorm(nsubj) # simulate correlated errors
# y <- cbind(y1, y2, y3) + snps[ , 1:10] %*% beta
# ## wlog the truely associated snps are 1:10
# rm(y1, y2, y3)
# astats <- function(ii) {
#   with(list(snp = snps[ , ii]),
#        c(coef(summary(lm(y[ , 1] ~ snp)))["snp", 3],
#          coef(summary(lm(y[ , 2] ~ snp)))["snp", 3],
#          coef(summary(lm(y[ , 3] ~ snp)))["snp", 3],
#          summary(manova(y ~ snp))$stats["snp", 6]))
# }
# system.time(gwas <- t(sapply(1:nsnp, astats)))
# ## columns 1-3 contain single phenotype Z statistics
# ## column 4 contains manova P-value
# pv <- multipheno.T2(gwas[ , 1:3])$pval
# plot(-log10(gwas[ , 4]), -log10(pv), type = "n",
#      xlab = "MANOVA -log10(P)", ylab = "Summary statistic -log10(P)", las = 1)
# points(-log10(gwas[-(1:10), 4]), -log10(pv[-(1:10)]))
# points(-log10(gwas[1:10, 4]), -log10(pv[1:10]), cex = 2, pch = 21, bg = "red")
# legend("topleft", pch = c(1, 21), pt.cex = c(1, 2), pt.bg = c("white", "red"),
#        legend = c("null SNPs", "associated SNPs"))
# ## nb approximation gets better as nsnp becomes large, even with small nsubj
# ## End(Not run)

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