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gtx (version 0.0.8)

snpdata: Class for SNP genotype and phenotype data.


Objects of this class contain subject-specific SNP genotype or allele dosage data along with subject-specific phenotypes data, and SNP coded/noncoded allele information.


is.snpdata(object) as.snpdata(object) "summary"(object, ...)


an object to test or coerce to snpdata class.
other arguments to summary are ignored.


An object of class snpdata is a list with at least two elements, called “snpinfo” and “data”. snpdata$snpinfo must be a data frame with (at least) columns called “snp”, “coded.allele” and “noncoded.allele”. snpdata$data must be a data frame with columns for each SNP in snpdata$snpinfo with column names formed by pasting together the snp and coded.allele with a separating underscore character, e.g. “rs12345_A”.

See Also

Widely used formats for measured or imputed SNP genotype data are read by the read.snpdata.plink, read.snpdata.mach and read.snpdata.impute functions, which all return data in the format described above.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# align.snpdata.coding(params, snpdata)
# grs.make.scores(params, snpdata)
# grs.onesnp.apply(params, object)
# make.moments2(params, phenolist, snpdata)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab