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h2o (version

h2o.rank_within_group_by: This function will add a new column rank where the ranking is produced as follows: 1. sorts the H2OFrame by columns sorted in by columns specified in group_by_cols and sort_cols in the directions specified by the ascending for the sort_cols. The sort directions for the group_by_cols are ascending only. 2. A new rank column is added to the frame which will contain a rank assignment performed next. The user can choose to assign a name to this new column. The default name is New_Rank_column. 3. For each groupby groups, a rank is assigned to the row starting from 1, 2, ... to the end of that group. 4. If sort_cols_sorted is TRUE, a final sort on the frame will be performed frame according to the sort_cols and the sort directions in ascending. If sort_cols_sorted is FALSE (by default), the frame from step 3 will be returned as is with no extra sort. This may provide a small speedup if desired.


This function will add a new column rank where the ranking is produced as follows: 1. sorts the H2OFrame by columns sorted in by columns specified in group_by_cols and sort_cols in the directions specified by the ascending for the sort_cols. The sort directions for the group_by_cols are ascending only. 2. A new rank column is added to the frame which will contain a rank assignment performed next. The user can choose to assign a name to this new column. The default name is New_Rank_column. 3. For each groupby groups, a rank is assigned to the row starting from 1, 2, ... to the end of that group. 4. If sort_cols_sorted is TRUE, a final sort on the frame will be performed frame according to the sort_cols and the sort directions in ascending. If sort_cols_sorted is FALSE (by default), the frame from step 3 will be returned as is with no extra sort. This may provide a small speedup if desired.


  ascending = NULL,
  new_col_name = "New_Rank_column",
  sort_cols_sorted = FALSE



The H2OFrame input to be sorted.


a list of column names or indices to form the groupby groups


a list of column names or indices for sorting


a list of Boolean to determine if ascending sort (set to TRUE) is needed for each column in sort_cols (optional). Default is ascending sort for all. To perform descending sort, set value to FALSE


new column name for the newly added rank column if specified (optional). Default name is New_Rank_column.


Boolean to determine if the final returned frame is to be sorted according to the sort_cols and sort directions in ascending. Default is FALSE.

The following example is generated by Nidhi Mehta.

If the input frame is train:

ID Group_by_column num data Column_to_arrange_by num_1 fdata 12 1 2941.552 1 3 -3177.9077 1 12 1 2941.552 1 5 -13311.8247 1 12 2 -22722.174 1 3 -3177.9077 1 12 2 -22722.174 1 5 -13311.8247 1 13 3 -12776.884 1 5 -18421.6171 0 13 3 -12776.884 1 4 28080.1607 0 13 1 -6049.830 1 5 -18421.6171 0 13 1 -6049.830 1 4 28080.1607 0 15 3 -16995.346 1 1 -9781.6373 0 16 1 -10003.593 0 3 -61284.6900 0 16 3 26052.495 1 3 -61284.6900 0 16 3 -22905.288 0 3 -61284.6900 0 17 2 -13465.496 1 2 12094.4851 1 17 2 -13465.496 1 3 -11772.1338 1 17 2 -13465.496 1 3 -415.1114 0 17 2 -3329.619 1 2 12094.4851 1 17 2 -3329.619 1 3 -11772.1338 1 17 2 -3329.619 1 3 -415.1114 0

If the following commands are issued: rankedF1 <- h2o.rank_within_group_by(train, c("Group_by_column"), c("Column_to_arrange_by"), c(TRUE)) h2o.summary(rankedF1)

The returned frame rankedF1 will look like this: ID Group_by_column num fdata Column_to_arrange_by num_1 fdata.1 New_Rank_column 12 1 2941.552 1 3 -3177.9077 1 1 16 1 -10003.593 0 3 -61284.6900 0 2 13 1 -6049.830 0 4 28080.1607 0 3 12 1 2941.552 1 5 -13311.8247 1 4 13 1 -6049.830 0 5 -18421.6171 0 5 17 2 -13465.496 0 2 12094.4851 1 1 17 2 -3329.619 0 2 12094.4851 1 2 12 2 -22722.174 1 3 -3177.9077 1 3 17 2 -13465.496 0 3 -11772.1338 1 4 17 2 -13465.496 0 3 -415.1114 0 5 17 2 -3329.619 0 3 -11772.1338 1 6 17 2 -3329.619 0 3 -415.1114 0 7 12 2 -22722.174 1 5 -13311.8247 1 8 15 3 -16995.346 1 1 -9781.6373 0 1 16 3 26052.495 0 3 -61284.6900 0 2 16 3 -22905.288 1 3 -61284.6900 0 3 13 3 -12776.884 1 4 28080.1607 0 4 13 3 -12776.884 1 5 -18421.6171 0 5

If the following commands are issued: rankedF1 <- h2o.rank_within_group_by(train, c("Group_by_column"), c("Column_to_arrange_by"), c(TRUE), sort_cols_sorted=TRUE) h2o.summary(rankedF1)

The returned frame will be sorted according to sortCols and hence look like this instead: ID Group_by_column num fdata Column_to_arrange_by num_1 fdata.1 New_Rank_column 15 3 -16995.346 1 1 -9781.6373 0 1 17 2 -13465.496 0 2 12094.4851 1 1 17 2 -3329.619 0 2 12094.4851 1 2 12 1 2941.552 1 3 -3177.9077 1 1 12 2 -22722.174 1 3 -3177.9077 1 3 16 1 -10003.593 0 3 -61284.6900 0 2 16 3 26052.495 0 3 -61284.6900 0 2 16 3 -22905.288 1 3 -61284.6900 0 3 17 2 -13465.496 0 3 -11772.1338 1 4 17 2 -13465.496 0 3 -415.1114 0 5 17 2 -3329.619 0 3 -11772.1338 1 6 17 2 -3329.619 0 3 -415.1114 0 7 13 3 -12776.884 1 4 28080.1607 0 4 13 1 -6049.830 0 4 28080.1607 0 3 12 1 2941.552 1 5 -13311.8247 1 4 12 2 -22722.174 1 5 -13311.8247 1 8 13 3 -12776.884 1 5 -18421.6171 0 5 13 1 -6049.830 0 5 -18421.6171 0 5


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

f <- "https://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/airlines/allyears2k_headers.zip"
air <- h2o.importFile(f)
group_cols <- c("Distance")
sort_cols <- c("IsArrDelayed", "IsDepDelayed")
sort_directions <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
h2o.rank_within_group_by(x = air, group_by_cols = group_cols, 
                         sort_cols = sort_cols, 
                         ascending = sort_directions, 
                         new_col_name = "New_Rank", 
                         sort_cols_sorted = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab