prosPath <- system.file("extdata", "prostate.csv", package="h2o")
hex <- h2o.uploadFile(prosPath)
hex[,2] <- as.factor(hex[,2])
model <- h2o.gbm(x = 3:9, y = 2, distribution = "bernoulli",
training_frame = hex, validation_frame = hex, nfolds=3)
h2o.gainsLift(model) ## extract training metrics
h2o.gainsLift(model, valid=TRUE) ## extract validation metrics (here: the same)
h2o.gainsLift(model, xval =TRUE) ## extract cross-validation metrics
h2o.gainsLift(model, newdata=hex) ## score on new data (here: the same)
# Generating a ModelMetrics object
perf <- h2o.performance(model, hex)
h2o.gainsLift(perf) ## extract from existing metrics object
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