Although DataSet
objects can implicitly be created using
subsetting operators (see CommonFG
) h5 implements more
explicit functions (used by subsetting operators under the hood) to create
and open DataSets
.Functions to Create/Open DataSets in CommonFG
Although DataSet
objects can implicitly be created using
subsetting operators (see CommonFG
) h5 implements more
explicit functions (used by subsetting operators under the hood) to create
and open DataSets
createDataSet(.Object, datasetname, data, type, dimensions, chunksize = -1,
maxdimensions = NA_integer_, compression = 4L, size = -1)
# S4 method for CommonFG,character,missing,character,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY
datasetname, type, dimensions, chunksize, maxdimensions, compression, size)
# S4 method for CommonFG,character,ANY,missing,missing,ANY,ANY,ANY,numeric
datasetname, data, chunksize, maxdimensions, compression, size)
# S4 method for CommonFG,character,ANY,missing,missing,ANY,ANY,ANY,missing
datasetname, data, chunksize, maxdimensions, compression)
openDataSet(.Object, datasetname, type)
# S4 method for CommonFG,character
openDataSet(.Object, datasetname, type)
list.datasets(.Object, path = "/", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
follow.links = FALSE)
# S4 method for CommonFG
list.datasets(.Object, path = "/", full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE, follow.links = FALSE)
existsDataSet(.Object, datasetname)
# S4 method for CommonFG,character
existsDataSet(.Object, datasetname)
CommonFG; S4 object of class CommonFG
character; HDF5 DataSet name to be used.
object; Object to be stored in HDF5 file, can be either of type vector, matrix or array.
character; Character specifying data type, can be either one of:
Double precision floating--point number.
32--Bit integer.
Boolean, which is mapped to 1/0 integer values.
Variable--length character strings.
integer; Dimensions of dataset to be created.
integer; Chunksize to be used for dataset. If set to
, chunking is disabled for dataset; maxdimensionions
have no effect and extensions of DataSet (e.g. through
, rbind
) are not possible.
integer; Maximum dimensions used for dataset, NA
sets maxdimensions to 'unlimited'.
integer; Default GZIP compression level to be used, from
0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression), defaults to 4
numeric; Character length for fixed-length string data types. Default value of -1 creates variable-length strings.
character; Relative path to .Object.
character; Specify if absolute DataSet path names should be returned.
logical; Specify DatSets should be retrieved recursively from .Object.
logical; Specify if symbolic links should be followed (only applies if recursive = TRUE).