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h5 (version 0.9.9)

DataSet: The DataSet Class


DataSets are used to store data objects in the HDF5 tree. Data objects contain homogeneous data of one type like numeric, integer or character and can be subsetted, extended and enriched with Attributes (see DataSet-Subset, DataSet-Extend and H5Location-Attribute). Although subsetting operators provide a convenient way to handle DataSet objects the S4 methods described in this section are used under the hood and give more control. Especially for big DataSets it can be advantageous to use these methods with DataSpace objects including hyperslab selections.


writeDataSet(.Object, data, dspace = selectDataSpace(.Object, rep(NA_integer_,
  length(.Object@dim)), GetDimensions(data)), transpose = TRUE)

# S4 method for DataSet writeDataSet(.Object, data, dspace = selectDataSpace(.Object, rep(NA_integer_, length(.Object@dim)), GetDimensions(data)), transpose = TRUE)

readDataSet(.Object, dspace = selectDataSpace(.Object))

# S4 method for DataSet readDataSet(.Object, dspace = selectDataSpace(.Object))

# S4 method for DataSet h5close(.Object)



DataSet; S4 object of class DataSet;


object; Object to be stored in HDF5 file, can be either of type vector, matrix or array.


DataSpace; Data space object used for data selection.


logical; Determine if data object (if is array) should be transposed.


additional arguments passed to c.

