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haplo.stats (version 1.9.7)

haplo.glm.control: Create list of control parameters for haplo.glm


Create a list of control pararameters for haplo.glm. If no parameters are passed to this function, then all default values are used.


haplo.glm.control(haplo.effect="add", haplo.base=NULL,
                  haplo.min.count=NA, haplo.freq.min=.01,
                  sum.rare.min=0.001, haplo.min.info=0.001, 


the list of above components



the "effect" of a haplotypes, which determines the covariate (x) coding of haplotypes. Valid options are "additive" (causing x = 0, 1, or 2, the count of a particular haplotype), "dominant" (causing x = 1 if heterozygous or homozygous carrier of a particular haplotype; x = 0 otherwise), and "recessive" (causing x = 1 if homozygous for a particular haplotype; x = 0 otherwise).


the index for the haplotype to be used as the base-line for regression. By default, haplo.base=NULL, so that the most frequent haplotype is chosen as the base-line.


The minimum number of expected counts for a haplotype from the sample to be included in the model. The count is based on estimated haplotype frequencies. Suggested minimum is 5.


the minimum haplotype frequency for a haplotype to be included in the regression model as its own effect. The haplotype frequency is based on the EM algorithm that estimates haplotype frequencies independent of trait.


the sum of the "rare" haplotype frequencies must be larger than sum.rare.min in order for the pool of rare haplotypes to be included in the regression model as a separate term. If this condition is not met, then the rare haplotypes are pooled with the base-line haplotype (see keep.rare.haplo below).


the minimum haplotype frequency for determining the contribution of a haplotype to the observed information matrix. Haplotypes with less frequency are dropped from the observed information matrix. The haplotype frequency is that from the final EM that iteratively updates haplotype frequencies and regression coefficients.


TRUE/FALSE to determine if the pool of rare haplotype should be kept as a separate term in the regression model (when keep.rare.haplo=TRUE), or pooled with the base-line haplotype (when keep.rare.haplo=FALSE).


argument to be passed to Ginv for the generalized inverse of the information matrix, helps to determine the number of singular values


list of control parameters for the usual glm.control (see glm.control).


list of control parameters for the EM algorithm to estimate haplotype frequencies, independent of trait (see haplo.em.control).

See Also

haplo.glm, haplo.em.control, glm.control


Run this code
# using the data set up in the example for haplo.glm,
# the control function is used in haplo.glm as follows
#  > fit <- haplo.glm(y ~ male + geno, family = gaussian,  
#  >          na.action="na.geno.keep",
#  >          data=my.data, locus.label=locus.label,
#  >          control = haplo.glm.control(haplo.min.count=5,
#  >          em.c=haplo.em.control(n.try=1)))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab