This page contains the constructors for the default blueprints. They can be
extended if you want to add extra behavior on top of what the default
blueprints already do, but generally you will extend the non-default versions
of the constructors found in the documentation for new_blueprint()
intercept = FALSE,
allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
ptypes = NULL,
formula = NULL,
indicators = TRUE,
terms = list(predictors = NULL, outcomes = NULL),
subclass = character()
intercept = FALSE,
allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
fresh = FALSE,
ptypes = NULL,
recipe = NULL,
extra_role_ptypes = NULL,
subclass = character()
intercept = FALSE,
allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
ptypes = NULL,
subclass = character()
A named list with two elements, clean
and process
, see
the new_blueprint()
section, Mold Functions, for details.
A named list with two elements, clean
and process
, see
the new_blueprint()
section, Forge Functions, for details.
A logical. Should an intercept be included in the
processed data? This information is used by the process
in the mold
and forge
function list.
A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at
prediction time? This information is used by the clean
function in the
function list, and is passed on to scream()
Either NULL
, or a named list with 2 elements, predictors
and outcomes
, both of which are 0-row tibbles. ptypes
is generated
automatically at mold()
time and is used to validate new_data
prediction time. At mold()
time, the information found in
is used to set ptypes
for the blueprint
Either NULL
, or a formula that specifies how the
predictors and outcomes should be preprocessed. This argument is set
automatically at mold()
A logical. Should factors be expanded into dummy variables?
A named list of two elements, predictors
and outcomes
. Both
elements are terms
objects that describe the terms for the outcomes and
predictors separately. This argument is set automatically at mold()
Name-value pairs for additional elements of blueprints that subclass this blueprint.
A character vector. The subclasses of this blueprint.
Should already trained operations be re-trained when prep()
Either NULL
, or an unprepped recipe. This argument is set
automatically at mold()
A named list. The names are the unique non-standard
recipe roles (i.e. everything except "predictors"
and "outcomes"
). The
values are prototypes of the original columns with that role. These are
used for validation in forge()