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default_recipe_blueprint: Default recipe blueprint


This pages holds the details for the recipe preprocessing blueprint. This is the blueprint used by default from mold() if x is a recipe.


  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  fresh = TRUE,
  bake_dependent_roles = character(),
  composition = "tibble"

# S3 method for recipe mold(x, data, ..., blueprint = NULL)



A logical. Should an intercept be included in the processed data? This information is used by the process function in the mold and forge function list.


A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at prediction time? This information is used by the clean function in the forge function list, and is passed on to scream().


Should already trained operations be re-trained when prep() is called?


A character vector of recipes column "roles" specifying roles that are required to recipes::bake() new data. Can't be "predictor" or "outcome", as predictors are always required and outcomes are handled by the outcomes argument of forge().

Typically, non-standard roles (such as "id" or "case_weights") are not required to bake() new data. Unless specified by bake_dependent_roles, these non-standard role columns are excluded from checks done in forge() to validate the column structure of new_data, will not be passed to bake() even if they existed in new_data, and will not be returned in the forge()$extras$roles slot. See the documentation of recipes::add_role() for more information about roles.


Either "tibble", "matrix", or "dgCMatrix" for the format of the processed predictors. If "matrix" or "dgCMatrix" are chosen, all of the predictors must be numeric after the preprocessing method has been applied; otherwise an error is thrown.


An unprepped recipe created from recipes::recipe().


A data frame or matrix containing the outcomes and predictors.


Not used.


A preprocessing blueprint. If left as NULL, then a default_recipe_blueprint() is used.


For default_recipe_blueprint(), a recipe blueprint.


When mold() is used with the default recipe blueprint:

  • It calls recipes::prep() to prep the recipe.

  • It calls recipes::juice() to extract the outcomes and predictors. These are returned as tibbles.

  • If intercept = TRUE, adds an intercept column to the predictors.


When forge() is used with the default recipe blueprint:

  • It calls shrink() to trim new_data to only the required columns and coerce new_data to a tibble.

  • It calls scream() to perform validation on the structure of the columns of new_data.

  • It calls recipes::bake() on the new_data using the prepped recipe used during training.

  • It adds an intercept column onto new_data if intercept = TRUE.


Run this code

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Recipes example

# Create a recipe that logs a predictor
rec <- recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width, train) %>%

processed <- mold(rec, train)

# Sepal.Length has been logged


# The underlying blueprint is a prepped recipe

# Call forge() with the blueprint and the test data
# to have it preprocess the test data in the same way
forge(test, processed$blueprint)

# Use `outcomes = TRUE` to also extract the preprocessed outcome!
# This logged the Sepal.Length column of `new_data`
forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# With an intercept

# You can add an intercept with `intercept = TRUE`
processed <- mold(rec, train, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(intercept = TRUE))


# But you also could have used a recipe step
rec2 <- step_intercept(rec)

mold(rec2, iris)$predictors

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non standard roles

# If you have custom recipes roles, it is assumed that they are required
# in `prep()` and afterwards for modeling, but are not required at `bake()`
# time and for prediction. This means that they are processed and returned
# in the `$extras$roles` slot of the return value of `mold()`, but they
# are not required to be in `new_data` in `forge()` and are not returned
# in the result.

rec_roles <- recipe(train) %>%
  update_role(Sepal.Width, new_role = "predictor") %>%
  update_role(Species, new_role = "outcome") %>%
  update_role(Sepal.Length, new_role = "id") %>%
  update_role(Petal.Length, new_role = "important")

processed_roles <- mold(rec_roles, train)

# The custom roles will still be in the `mold()` result in case you need
# them for modeling.

# Notice that the columns with custom roles exist in `test`,
# but they weren't passed to `bake()` and aren't in the output.
forge(test, processed_roles$blueprint)$extras

# They can even be removed from `test` entirely, and it still works.
test2 <- test
test2$Petal.Length <- NULL
forge(test2, processed_roles$blueprint)$extras

# Occasionally, you might have a custom role that is required to be able
# to `bake()` on `new_data`. In those cases, you can specify it with
# `bake_dependent_roles` in `default_recipe_blueprint()`, which will ensure
# that it is a required column when calling `forge()`, that it will be
# passed on to `bake()`, and that it will be returned in the result.
bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(bake_dependent_roles = "important")

processed_roles <- mold(rec_roles, train, blueprint = bp)

# Now `"important"` is a required role when `forge()`-ing
forge(test, processed_roles$blueprint)$extras$roles

# Which means that we can't `forge()` with the data frame that is missing
# the `Petal.Length` column
try(forge(test2, processed_roles$blueprint))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matrix output for predictors

# You can change the `composition` of the predictor data set
bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix")
processed <- mold(rec, train, blueprint = bp)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab