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hdf5r (version 1.3.3)

RToH5: Low-level conversion functions from R to HDF5 and vice versa


Low-level conversion functions from R to HDF5 and vice versa


RToH5(Robj, dtype, nelem)

H5ToR_Pre(dtype, nelem)

H5ToR_Post(Robj, dtype, nelem, flags = getOption("hdf5r.h5tor_default"), id = -1)



The R-object to transfer to HDF5


Datatype of the HDF5 object. Of class H5T


Number of elements to copy


Some flags governing edge cases of conversion from HDF5 to R. This is related to how integers are being treated and the issue of R not being able to natively represent 64bit integers and not at all being able to represent unsigned 64bit integers (even using add-on packages). The constants governing this are part of h5const. The relevant ones start with the term H5TOR and are documented there. The default set here returns a regular 32bit integer if it doesn't lead to an overflow and returns a 64bit integer from the bit64 package otherwise. For 64bit unsigned int that are larger than 64bit signed int, it is truncated (the default; but can also be set to NA).


When creating a reference, an id for the file (or an object in the file) is needed. By default -1, which will work with everything except references.


The converted object or the buffer into which the object is written.


These are the low-level function that dispatch the R object to HDF5 object conversion to the underlying C code. None of these should be accessed by the end-user under normal circumstances. See also convertRoundTrip for an example of how to use them.