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hexbin (version 1.26.3)

hcell2xy: Compute X and Y Coordinates for Hexagon Cells


Computes x and y coordinates from hexagon cell id's.


hcell2xy(hbin, check.erosion = TRUE)


a object of class "hexbin", typically produced by hexbin(*).
logical indicating if only the eroded points should be returned in the case where hbin inherits from "erodebin" (see erodebin-class); is TRUE by def


  • A list with two components of the same length as bin$cell,
  • x
  • y


The hexbin object hbin contains all the needed information. The purpose of this function is to reduce storage. The cost is additional calculation.

See Also



Run this code
x <- rnorm(10000)
y <- rnorm(10000)
plot(x,y, pch=".")
hbin <- hexbin(x,y)
str(xys <- hcell2xy(hbin))
points(xys, cex=1.5, col=2) ; title("hcell2xy( hexbin(..) )", col.main=2)## Temporal trends with confidence bounds plotted on a map:
## <NOT YET> Illustration only pending access to user functions
##      mtapply()            # like tapply but for matrices
##      sens.season.slope()  # computes sen's seasonal slope

## This part does not work and commented out
#hbin  <- hcell(dat$x,dat$y)   #  x and y are in map projection units
#newdat < dat[,c('month','year','value')]    # extract columns
#stats <- mtapply(newdat,bin$cell,sens.season.slope,season=12)
#plot(mymap,type='l')       # map boundaries in map projection units
#xy <- hcell2xy(hbin)  # x and y coordinates for hexagon cell centers
#hray(xy$x, xy$y,val=stat[,1],lower= stat[,2],upper=stat[,3])

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