Several precalulated color ramps, that are on a perceptually linear
color scale. A perceptually linear color scale is a scale where each
jump corresponds to a just detectable difference in color and the
scale is percieved as linear by the human eye (emprically determined).
When using the ramps, if beg is less than end the ramp
will be reversed.
Haim Levkowitz (1997)
Color Theory and Modeling for Computer Graphics,
Visualization, and Multimedia Applications.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/London/Dordrecht.
h <- hexbin(rnorm(10000),rnorm(10000))
plot(h, colramp= BTY)
## looks better if you shave the tails:plot(h, colramp= function(n){LinOCS(n,beg=15,end=225)})