hexVP-class: Formal class "hexVP" of a Hexagon Viewport
Hexagon Viewports are value-added grid viewports (see
viewport) where the extra slots contain scaling and
embedding information. A hexViewport is created my taking the
available area in the cuurent viewport on the graphics device and
maximizing the amount of area with a fied aspect ratio. The default
when the shape parameter is 1, is a 1:1 aspect ratio in terms of the
size of the viewport, not the scale of the x and y axis. The plotting
area is centered within the existing margins and the maximum size
determined. Extra area is then allocated to the margins. This viewport
is replicated twice, once with clipping set to "on" and once with
clipping "off". This feature can be used for toggling clipping on and
off while editing the plot.
Objects from the Class
Objects are typically created by calls to hexViewport()
or by low level calls of the form new("hexVP", ...).