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highSCREEN (version 0.1)

hits: title




hits(dat.raw, dat.norm, score.before="scorebefore", score.after="scoreafter", qc.mainplates, qc1.val=0.225, hit.val=3)


Data frame containing raw data as an output from $formatRESULT()$.
Data frame containing normalized data set as an output from $formatRESULT()$.
Specifies the name of the columns containing "Before" scores.
Specifies the name of the columns containing "After" scores.
A vector containing names of main plates that passed QC.
Threshold value for QC1.
Threshold value for identifying candidate hits, based on the mean of "After" scores.


The function returns a data frame. Each row corresponds to a compound that passed QC1 and belongs to a plate that passed overall QC. The data frame contains the following columns:
Has the complete information to identify a compound or control. It contains information about the main plate, the quadrant/plate and the well.
Specifies the main plate to wich the compound/control belongs.
Specifies the quadrant/plate to wich the compound/control belongs.
Specifies the normalization method that was applied for the specific compound.
Specifies the location (row and column) of the compound/control in the quadrant.
Specifies the row location in the quadrant.
Specifies the column location in the quadrant.
Specifies if the well is compound or control.
Replicates of the score from the "Before" data set.
Replicates of the score from the "After" data set.
Indicator variable specifying if the compound passes ($TRUE$) or fails ($FALSE$) QC2.
Indicator variable specifying if the compound passes ($TRUE$) or fails ($FALSE$) QC3.


Run this code
nc = 24
nr = 16

# create 1st triplicate of data matrix with compounds and controls
replicate1 = matrix(abs(rnorm(nr*nc)*0.01), nr, nc)

# create control map
cmap = data.frame(X1=c(rep("Control P", floor(nr/3)), 
rep(c("Control low", "Control med", "Control high"), 
(floor(nr/3)+nr-3*floor(nr/3))/3), rep("Control N", 
floor(nr/3))), X2=c(rep("Control N", floor(nr/3)), 
rep(c("Control low", "Control med", "Control high"), 
(floor(nr/3)+nr-3*floor(nr/3))/3), rep("Control P", floor(nr/3))))
cmap = cmap[seq(1,nr,2),]

# create 2nd triplicate of data matrix with compounds and controls
replicate2 = matrix(abs(rnorm(nr*nc)*0.01), nr, nc)

# create 3rd triplicate of data matrix with compounds and controls
replicate3 = matrix(abs(rnorm(nr*nc)*0.01), nr, nc)

# combine all triplicates for the before data
replicates_before = list(replicate1, replicate2, replicate3)
names(replicates_before) = c("Replicate1", "Replicate2", "Replicate3")

# create 1st triplicate of data matrix with compounds and controls
replicate1 = matrix(abs(rnorm(nr*nc)), nr, nc)

# create 2nd triplicate of data matrix with compounds and controls
replicate2 = matrix(abs(rnorm(nr*nc)), nr, nc)

# create 3rd triplicate of data matrix with compounds and controls
replicate3 = matrix(abs(rnorm(nr*nc)), nr, nc)

# combine all triplicates for the after data
replicates_after = list(replicate1, replicate2, replicate3)
names(replicates_after) = c("Replicate1", "Replicate2", "Replicate3")

# extract plate 1, triplicate 1
dat1 = extractplate(replicates_before, replicates_after, plate=1, replicate=1)

# extract plate 1, triplicate 2
dat2 = extractplate(replicates_before, replicates_after, plate=1, replicate=2)

# extract plate 1, triplicate 3
dat3 = extractplate(replicates_before, replicates_after, plate=1, replicate=3)

# no normalizion
datraw1 = normplate("Main Plate 1", dat1[["datbefore"]], dat1[["datafter"]], cmap,
 plate=1, triplicate=1, norm="raw")
datraw2 = normplate("Main Plate 1", dat2[["datbefore"]], dat2[["datafter"]], cmap,
 plate=1, triplicate=2, norm="raw")
datraw3 = normplate("Main Pltae 1", dat3[["datbefore"]], dat3[["datafter"]], cmap,
 plate=1, triplicate=3, norm="raw")

# combine 3 triplicates
datraw = rbind(datraw1, datraw2, datraw3)

# reformat result
datraw = formatRESULT(datraw, triplicate="Triplicate", score="score", t="Time")

# c-score normalization
datnorm1 = normplate("Main Plate 1", dat1[["datbefore"]], dat1[["datafter"]], cmap,
 plate=1, triplicate=1, norm="cscore", 
poscont="Control P", negcont="Control N")
datnorm2 = normplate("Main Plate 1", dat2[["datbefore"]], dat2[["datafter"]], cmap,
 plate=1, triplicate=2, norm="cscore", 
poscont="Control P", negcont="Control N")
datnorm3 = normplate("Main Pltae 1", dat3[["datbefore"]], dat3[["datafter"]], cmap,
 plate=1, triplicate=3, norm="cscore",
poscont="Control P", negcont="Control N")

# combine 3 triplicates
datnorm = rbind(datnorm1, datnorm2, datnorm3)

# reformat result
datnorm = formatRESULT(datnorm, triplicate="Triplicate", score="score", t="Time")

# identify hits
head(hits(datraw, datnorm, qc.mainplates="Main Plate 1", qc1.val=0.225, hit.val=3))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab