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highfrequency (version 1.0.1)

highfrequency-package: highfrequency: Tools for Highfrequency Data Analysis


The highfrequency package provides numerous tools for analyzing high-frequency financial data, including functionality to:

  • Clean, handle, and manage high frequency trades and quotes data.

  • Calculate liquidity measures

  • Calculate (multivariate) realized measures of the distribution of high-frequency returns

  • Estimate models for realized measures of volatility and the corresponding forecasts

  • Detect jumps in prices

  • Analyze market microstructure noise in asset prices

  • Estimate spot volatility and drift as well as analyze intraday periodicity of spot volatility



Kris Boudt, Jonathan Cornelissen, Onno Kleen, Scott Payseur, Emil Sjoerup Maintainer: Kris Boudt <Kris.Boudt@ugent.be>

Contributors: Giang Nguyen

Thanks: We would like to thank Brian Peterson, Chris Blakely, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Maarten Schermer, and Eric Zivot

See Also