Function expects as an input a data.frame
in bed format. This means, the first column should contain the chromosome, the second
the start-coordinates, the third the end-coordinates. The forth column contains the ID of the loci.
If a standard species is used (as defined in the species
data frame), the function automatically downloads the required files
from NCBI, takes the loci and extracts then the nucleotide sequences from it. If the corresponding assemly is not available from NCBI
an own fasta file can be provided. For that the fa-file needs to be in the fastaFolder and follow the same naming system as the NCBI
files are labelled. In that case, the function suggests the correct filename for an unknown assembly.
The export function, specifies then a folder to where the fasta file should be stored. If no filename is provided, the filename is then
the object name passed to the bed