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htmlTable (version 2.4.3)

prGetRowlabelPos: Gets the rowlabel position


Gets the rowlabel position


prGetRowlabelPos(cgroup = NULL, pos.rowlabel, header = NULL)


integer Returns the position within the header rows to print the rowlabel argument



A vector, matrix or list of character strings defining major column header. The default is to have none. These elements are also known as column spanners. If you want a column not to have a spanner then put that column as "". If you pass cgroup and n.crgroup as matrices you can have column spanners for several rows. See cgroup section below for details.


A vector of character strings specifying column header, defaulting to colnames(x)

See Also

Other hidden helper functions for htmlTable: prAddCells(), prAddEmptySpacerCell(), prAddSemicolon2StrEnd(), prEscapeHtml(), prGetCgroupHeader(), prGetStyle(), prPrepInputMatrixDimensions(), prPrepareAlign(), prPrepareCgroup(), prTblNo()