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htmlTable (version 2.4.3)

txtMergeLines: A merges lines while preserving the line break for HTML/LaTeX


This function helps you to do a table header with multiple lines in both HTML and in LaTeX. In HTML this isn't that tricky, you just use the <br /> command but in LaTeX I often find myself writing vbox/hbox stuff and therefore I've created this simple helper function


txtMergeLines(..., html = 5)


string with asis_output wrapping if html output is activated



The lines that you want to be joined


If HTML compatible output should be used. If FALSE it outputs LaTeX formatting. Note if you set this to 5 then the HTML5 version of br will be used: <br> otherwise it uses the <br /> that is compatible with the XHTML-formatting.

See Also

Other text formatters: txtInt(), txtPval(), txtRound()


Run this code
txtMergeLines("hello", "world")
txtMergeLines("hello", "world", html=FALSE)
txtMergeLines("hello", "world", list("A list", "is OK"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab