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hts is retired, with minimum maintenance to keep it on CRAN. We recommend using the fable package instead.

The R package hts presents functions to create, plot and forecast hierarchical and grouped time series.


You can install the stable version on R CRAN.

install.packages('hts', dependencies = TRUE)

You can also install the development version from Github

# install.packages("devtools")


Example 1: hierarchical time series

#> Loading required package: forecast
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#>   method            from
#>   as.zoo.data.frame zoo

# hts example 1
#> Hierarchical Time Series 
#> 3 Levels 
#> Number of nodes at each level: 1 2 5 
#> Total number of series: 8 
#> Number of observations per series: 10 
#> Top level series: 
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 1992 
#> End = 2001 
#> Frequency = 1 
#>  [1] 48.74808 49.48047 49.93238 50.24070 50.60846 50.84851 51.70922 51.94330
#>  [9] 52.57796 53.21496
#> Hierarchical Time Series 
#> 3 Levels 
#> Number of nodes at each level: 1 2 5 
#> Total number of series: 8 
#> Number of observations per series: 10 
#> Top level series: 
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 1992 
#> End = 2001 
#> Frequency = 1 
#>  [1] 48.74808 49.48047 49.93238 50.24070 50.60846 50.84851 51.70922 51.94330
#>  [9] 52.57796 53.21496
#> Labels: 
#> [1] "Level 0" "Level 1" "Level 2"
aggts1 <- aggts(htseg1)
aggts2 <- aggts(htseg1, levels = 1)
aggts3 <- aggts(htseg1, levels = c(0, 2))
plot(htseg1, levels = 1)

smatrix(htseg1)  # Return the dense mode
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]    1    1    1    1    1
#> [2,]    1    1    1    0    0
#> [3,]    0    0    0    1    1
#> [4,]    1    0    0    0    0
#> [5,]    0    1    0    0    0
#> [6,]    0    0    1    0    0
#> [7,]    0    0    0    1    0
#> [8,]    0    0    0    0    1

# Forecasts
fcasts1.bu <- forecast(
  htseg1, h = 4, method = "bu", fmethod = "ets", parallel = TRUE
aggts4 <- aggts(fcasts1.bu)
#> Hierarchical Time Series 
#> 3 Levels 
#> Number of nodes at each level: 1 2 5 
#> Total number of series: 8 
#> Number of observations in each historical series: 10 
#> Number of forecasts per series: 4 
#> Top level series of forecasts: 
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 2002 
#> End = 2005 
#> Frequency = 1 
#> [1] 53.2149 53.2149 53.2149 53.2149
#> Method: Bottom-up forecasts 
#> Forecast method: ETS
fcasts1.td <- forecast(
  htseg1, h = 4, method = "tdfp", fmethod = "arima", keep.fitted = TRUE
summary(fcasts1.td)  # When keep.fitted = TRUE, return in-sample accuracy
#> Hierarchical Time Series 
#> 3 Levels 
#> Number of nodes at each level: 1 2 5 
#> Total number of series: 8 
#> Number of observations in each historical series: 10 
#> Number of forecasts per series: 4 
#> Top level series of forecasts: 
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 2002 
#> End = 2005 
#> Frequency = 1 
#> [1] 53.71128 54.20760 54.70392 55.20024
#> Method: Top-down forecasts using forecasts proportions 
#> Forecast method: Arima 
#> In-sample error measures at the bottom level: 
#>                AA           AB          AC          BA           BB
#> ME   0.0007719336 0.0009183738 0.001003812 0.001043247  0.001087807
#> RMSE 0.1298400018 0.0515879830 0.040306867 0.037462277  0.105015065
#> MAE  0.0978321731 0.0436089571 0.033210387 0.027003846  0.081906948
#> MAPE 1.1275970221 0.4534439625 0.323535559 0.251066115  0.691364891
#> MPE  0.0367879336 0.0069220593 0.006785872 0.007787895 -0.011087494
#> MASE 0.6825678136 0.5197483057 0.774250880 0.447950006  0.493684443
fcasts1.comb <- forecast(
  htseg1, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets", keep.fitted = TRUE
aggts4 <- aggts(fcasts1.comb)
plot(fcasts1.comb, levels = 2)

plot(fcasts1.comb, include = 5, levels = c(1, 2))

Example 2: hierarchical time series

# hts example 2
data <- window(htseg2, start = 1992, end = 2002)
test <- window(htseg2, start = 2003)
fcasts2.mo <- forecast(
  data, h = 5, method = "mo", fmethod = "ets", level = 1,
  keep.fitted = TRUE, keep.resid = TRUE
accuracy.gts(fcasts2.mo, test)
#>           Total          A          B        A10          A20         B30
#> ME   -0.1463168 -0.2229191 0.07660233 -0.2283919  0.005472780 -0.01989880
#> RMSE  0.1500119  0.2452066 0.14257606  0.2523329  0.009805797  0.02928379
#> MAE   0.1463168  0.2229191 0.11693106  0.2283919  0.009268225  0.02409282
#> MAPE  9.3179712  7.5314777 2.36244104  8.7993966  2.460560011  1.71428541
#> MPE  -9.3179712  7.5314777 1.45433283  8.7993966 -1.631079601 -1.39920296
#> MASE  0.4617075  1.2506962 0.84324674  1.5148807  0.337389275  0.52860991
#>             B40        A10A       A10B          A10C         A20A         A20B
#> ME   0.09650113 -0.05448806 -0.1733829 -0.0005209908  0.007965591 -0.002492811
#> RMSE 0.17060895  0.06809235  0.1867174  0.0100661166  0.012682474  0.008654148
#> MAE  0.14102388  0.05448806  0.1733829  0.0088897199  0.010413971  0.007052515
#> MAPE 3.98260313  4.37476593 21.6158413  1.5612291069  3.334410408 13.402921842
#> MPE  2.54768302  4.37476593 21.6158413  0.0605205225 -2.607467068 -2.981389244
#> MASE 1.51492018  0.51577051  5.3650162  0.6942763126  0.820393749  0.477277465
#>            B30A        B30B        B30C        B40A      B40B
#> ME   0.01212900 -0.01099794 -0.02102986 -0.04273559 0.1392367
#> RMSE 0.01311771  0.01422607  0.02442915  0.06656885 0.2344656
#> MAE  0.01212900  0.01099794  0.02102986  0.04273559 0.1811449
#> MAPE 4.13200908  2.39939647  3.26532975  3.09570196 8.2253477
#> MPE  4.13200908 -2.39939647 -3.26532975 -3.09570196 5.9207223
#> MASE 0.49670326  1.22312029  1.72843722  0.82335272 4.3982548
accuracy.gts(fcasts2.mo, test, levels = 1)
#>               A          B
#> ME   -0.2229191 0.07660233
#> RMSE  0.2452066 0.14257606
#> MAE   0.2229191 0.11693106
#> MAPE  7.5314777 2.36244104
#> MPE   7.5314777 1.45433283
#> MASE  1.2506962 0.84324674
fcasts2.td <- forecast(
  data, h = 5, method = "tdgsa", fmethod = "ets", 
  keep.fitted = TRUE, keep.resid = TRUE
plot(fcasts2.td, include = 5)

plot(fcasts2.td, include = 5, levels = c(0, 2))

Example 3: grouped time series

# gts example
plot(infantgts, levels = 1)

fcasts3.comb <- forecast(infantgts, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets")
agg_gts1 <- aggts(fcasts3.comb, levels = 1)
agg_gts2 <- aggts(fcasts3.comb, levels = 1, forecasts = FALSE)

plot(fcasts3.comb, include = 5, levels = c(1, 2))

fcasts3.combsd <- forecast(
  infantgts, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets",
  weights = "sd", keep.fitted = TRUE

fcasts3.combn <- forecast(
  infantgts, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets",
  weights = "nseries", keep.resid = TRUE


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL (>= 2).

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GPL (>= 2)


Earo Wang

Last Published

July 30th, 2024

Functions in hts (6.0.3)


Get nodes/groups from an hts/gts object

Regional infant mortality counts across Australia from 1933 to 2003.

Trace minimization for hierarchical or grouped time series

Summing matrix for hierarchical or grouped time series

Simple examples of hierarchical time series.

Extract selected time series from a gts object

Time window of a gts object

In-sample or out-of-sample accuracy measures for forecast grouped and hierarchical model

Forecast a hierarchical or grouped time series

Optimally combine forecasts from a hierarchical or grouped time series

Plot grouped or hierarchical time series

Extract all time series from a gts object

Create a grouped time series

Hierarchical and grouped time series

Create a hierarchical time series