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httpuv (version 1.6.15)

staticPath: Create a staticPath object


The staticPath function creates a staticPath object. Note that if any of the arguments (other than path) are NULL, then that means that for this particular static path, it should inherit the behavior from the staticPathOptions set for the application as a whole.


  indexhtml = NULL,
  fallthrough = NULL,
  html_charset = NULL,
  headers = NULL,
  validation = NULL




The local path.


If an index.html file is present, should it be served up when the client requests the static path or any subdirectory?


With the default value, FALSE, if a request is made for a file that doesn't exist, then httpuv will immediately send a 404 response from the background I/O thread, without needing to call back into the main R thread. This offers the best performance. If the value is TRUE, then instead of sending a 404 response, httpuv will call the application's call function, and allow it to handle the request.


When HTML files are served, the value that will be provided for charset in the Content-Type header. For example, with the default value, "utf-8", the header is Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8. If "" is used, then no charset will be added in the Content-Type header.


Additional headers and values that will be included in the response.


An optional validation pattern. Presently, the only type of validation supported is an exact string match of a header. For example, if validation is '"abc" = "xyz"', then HTTP requests must have a header named abc (case-insensitive) with the value xyz (case-sensitive). If a request does not have a matching header, than httpuv will give a 403 Forbidden response. If the character(0) (the default), then no validation check will be performed.


The excludeStaticPath function tells the application to ignore a particular path for static serving. This is useful when you want to include a path for static serving (like "/") but then exclude a subdirectory of it (like "/dynamic") so that the subdirectory will always be passed to the R code for handling requests. excludeStaticPath can be used not only for directories; it can also exclude specific files.

See Also
