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huxtable (version 5.6.0)

by_cases: Map cell contents to properties using case_when


This function uses dplyr::case_when() to set cell properties.


by_cases(..., ignore_na = TRUE)


A function for use in map_*** functions.



A list of two-sided formulas interpreted by case_when.


If TRUE, NA values in the result will be left unchanged from their previous values. Otherwise, NA normally resets to the default.


Within the formulas, the variable . will refer to the content of ht[rows, cols], after conversion to a vector.

case_when returns NA when no formula LHS is matched. To avoid this, set a default in the last formula: TRUE ~ default.

case_when can't deal with brdr() objects, so you cannot use these in by_cases().

See Also


Other mapping functions: by_colorspace(), by_function(), by_quantiles(), by_ranges(), by_regex(), by_rows(), by_values()


Run this code
if (! requireNamespace("dplyr")) {
  stop("Please install the 'dplyr' package to run this example")

ht <- hux(runif(5), letters[1:5])

map_background_color(ht, by_cases(
        . == "a" ~ "red",
        . %in% letters ~ "green",
        . < 0.5 ~ "pink"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab