# Example 1:
# Looking at the difference between r2 and br2 for a case with systematic
# over-prediction of observed values
obs <- 1:10
sim1 <- 2*obs + 5
sim2 <- 2*obs + 25
# The coefficient of determination is equal to 1 even if there is no one single
# simulated value equal to its corresponding observed counterpart
r2 <- (cor(sim1, obs, method="pearson"))^2 # r2=1
# 'br2' effectively penalises the systematic over-estimation
br2(sim1, obs) # br2 = 0.3684211
br2(sim2, obs) # br2 = 0.1794872
ggof(sim1, obs)
ggof(sim2, obs)
# Computing 'br2' without forcing the intercept be equal to zero
br2.2 <- r2/2 # br2 = 0.5
# Example 2:
# Loading daily streamflows of the Ega River (Spain), from 1961 to 1970
obs <- EgaEnEstellaQts
# Generating a simulated daily time series, initially equal to the observed series
sim <- obs
# Computing the 'br2' for the "best" (unattainable) case
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs)
# Example 3: br2 for simulated values equal to observations plus random noise
# on the first half of the observed values.
# This random noise has more relative importance for ow flows than
# for medium and high flows.
# Randomly changing the first 1826 elements of 'sim', by using a normal distribution
# with mean 10 and standard deviation equal to 1 (default of 'rnorm').
sim[1:1826] <- obs[1:1826] + rnorm(1826, mean=10)
ggof(sim, obs)
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs)
# Example 4: br2 for simulated values equal to observations plus random noise
# on the first half of the observed values and applying (natural)
# logarithm to 'sim' and 'obs' during computations.
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=log)
# Verifying the previous value:
lsim <- log(sim)
lobs <- log(obs)
br2(sim=lsim, obs=lobs)
# Example 5: br2 for simulated values equal to observations plus random noise
# on the first half of the observed values and applying (natural)
# logarithm to 'sim' and 'obs' and adding the Pushpalatha2012 constant
# during computations
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=log, epsilon.type="Pushpalatha2012")
# Verifying the previous value, with the epsilon value following Pushpalatha2012
eps <- mean(obs, na.rm=TRUE)/100
lsim <- log(sim+eps)
lobs <- log(obs+eps)
br2(sim=lsim, obs=lobs)
# Example 6: br2 for simulated values equal to observations plus random noise
# on the first half of the observed values and applying (natural)
# logarithm to 'sim' and 'obs' and adding a user-defined constant
# during computations
eps <- 0.01
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=log, epsilon.type="otherValue", epsilon.value=eps)
# Verifying the previous value:
lsim <- log(sim+eps)
lobs <- log(obs+eps)
br2(sim=lsim, obs=lobs)
# Example 7: br2 for simulated values equal to observations plus random noise
# on the first half of the observed values and applying (natural)
# logarithm to 'sim' and 'obs' and using a user-defined factor
# to multiply the mean of the observed values to obtain the constant
# to be added to 'sim' and 'obs' during computations
fact <- 1/50
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=log, epsilon.type="otherFactor", epsilon.value=fact)
# Verifying the previous value:
eps <- fact*mean(obs, na.rm=TRUE)
lsim <- log(sim+eps)
lobs <- log(obs+eps)
br2(sim=lsim, obs=lobs)
# Example 8: br2 for simulated values equal to observations plus random noise
# on the first half of the observed values and applying a
# user-defined function to 'sim' and 'obs' during computations
fun1 <- function(x) {sqrt(x+1)}
br2(sim=sim, obs=obs, fun=fun1)
# Verifying the previous value, with the epsilon value following Pushpalatha2012
sim1 <- sqrt(sim+1)
obs1 <- sqrt(obs+1)
br2(sim=sim1, obs=obs1)
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