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hydroscoper (version 1.4.1)

hydro_translate: Translate Greek names and terms to English


hydro_translate translates various Hydroscope's names and terms to English.


hydro_translate(x, value = c("owner", "variable", "timestep", "division"))



a string vector


One of the predefined values in c("owner", "variable", "timestep", "division")


If value is one of:

  • owner, organizations' names.

  • variable, hydrometeorological term.

  • timestep, timestep term.

  • division, Water Division.

returns a character vector with translations of various hydrometeorological terms or organizations' names from Greek (with latin characters) to English.

The organizations' names in owner are:

Code Name
min_envir_energy Ministry of Environment and Energy
min_agricult Ministry of Rural Development and Food
natio_meteo_service National Meteorological Service
natio_observ_athens National Observatory of Athens
public_power_corp Public Power Corporation
natio_argic_resear National Agricultural Research Foundation
greek_perfectures Greek Prefectures
crete_eng_faculty Technical University of Crete
crete_natural_museum Natural History Museum of Crete

The Greek Water Divisions codes in division are:

Code Name
GR01 Dytike Peloponnesos
GR02 Boreia Peloponnesos
GR03 Anatolike Peloponnesos
GR04 Dytike Sterea Ellada
GR05 Epeiros
GR06 Attike
GR07 Anatolike Sterea Ellada
GR08 Thessalia
GR09 Dytike Makedonia
GR10 Kentrike Makedonia
GR11 Anatolike Makedonia
GR12 Thrake
GR13 Krete
GR14 Nesoi Aigaiou


Run this code
# get data from the Ministry of Environment and Energy
kyy_owners <- get_owners("kyy")
kyy_vars <- get_variables("kyy")
owners_names <- hydro_translate(kyy_owners$name, "owner")
vars <- hydro_translate(kyy_vars$descr, "variable")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab