Do not use these functions. They are here as object lessons
in poor thinking. To work with a subset of competitors, see the
example at as.ordertable.Rd
Functions keep_flawed2()
and discard_flawed2()
take an
order table and keep or discard specified rows, returning a reduced
order table. This is not a trivial operation.
Functions keep_flawed()
and discard_flawed()
will either
keep or discard players specified in the second argument. It is not
clear to me that these functions have any reasonable probabilistic
interpretation and file inst/retain.Rmd
gives a discussion.
Given a wikitable or ordertable, it is possible to create a likelihood
function based on a subset of rows using the incomplete=TRUE
argument; see the example at ?ordertable2supp
. But this method
is flawed too because it treats non-finishers as if they finished in
the order of their rows.
Function as.ordertable()
is the correct way to consider a
subset of players in a wikitable.