if (FALSE) {
# Projected population pyramid of China in 2050 with idbr and plotly
idb_api_key('Your API key goes here')
male <- idb1('CH', 2050, sex = 'male') %>%
mutate(POP = POP * -1,
SEX = 'Male')
female <- idb1('CH', 2050, sex = 'female') %>%
mutate(SEX = 'Female')
china <- rbind(male, female) %>%
mutate(abs_pop = abs(POP))
plot_ly(china, x = POP, y = AGE, color = SEX, type = 'bar', orientation = 'h',
hoverinfo = 'y+text+name', text = abs_pop, colors = c('red', 'gold')) %>%
layout(bargap = 0.1, barmode = 'overlay',
xaxis = list(tickmode = 'array', tickvals = c(-10000000, -5000000, 0, 5000000, 10000000),
ticktext = c('10M', '5M', '0', '5M', '10M')),
title = 'Projected population structure of China, 2050')
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab