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idefix (version 0.4.0)

Decode: Coded design to readable design.


Transforms a coded design matrix into a design containing character attribute levels, ready to be used in a survey. The frequency of each attribute level in the design is also included in the output.


Decode(des, n.alts, lvl.names, coding, alt.cte = NULL, c.lvls = NULL,
  no.choice = NULL)



A numeric matrix which represents the design matrix. Each row is a profile.


Numeric value indicating the number of alternatives per choice set.


A list containing character vectors with the values of each level of each attribute.


A character vector denoting the type of coding used for each attribute. See also Profiles.


A binary vector indicating for each alternative if an alternative specific constant is present. The default is NULL.


A list containing numeric vectors with the attribute levels for each continuous attribute. The default is NULL.


An integer indicating the no choice alternative. The default is NULL.



A character matrix which represents the design.


A list containing the frequency of appearance of each attribute level in the design.


des A design matrix, this can also be a single choice set. See for example the output of Modfed or CEA.

In lvl.names, the number of character vectors in the list should equal the number of attributes in de choice set. The number of elements in each character vector should equal the number of levels for that attribute.

Valid arguments for coding are C, D and E. When using C the attribute will be treated as continuous and no coding will be applied. All possible levels of that attribute should then be specified in c.lvls. If D (dummy coding) is used contr.treatment will be applied to that attribute. The first attribute wil be used as reference level. For E (effect coding) contr.sum is applied, in this case the last attribute level is used as reference level.

If des contains columns for alternative specific constants, alt.cte should be specified. In this case, the first column(s) (equal to the number of nonzero elements in alt.cte) will be removed from des before decoding the alternatives.


Run this code
# Example without continuous attributes.
design <- example_design 
coded <- c("D", "D", "D") # Coding.
# Levels as they should appear in survey. 
al <- list(
  c("$50", "$75", "$100"), # Levels attribute 1.
  c("2 min", "15 min", "30 min"), # Levels attribute 2.
  c("bad", "moderate", "good") # Levels attribute 3.
# Decode
Decode(des = design, n.alts = 2, lvl.names = al, coding = coded) 

# Example with alternative specific constants
design <- example_design2 
coded <- c("D", "D", "D") # Coding.
# Levels as they should appear in survey. 
al <- list(
  c("$50", "$75", "$100"), # Levels attribute 1.
  c("2 min", "15 min", "30 min"), # Levels attribute 2.
  c("bad", "moderate", "good") # Levels attribute 3.
# Decode
Decode(des = design, n.alts = 3, lvl.names = al, coding = coded, alt.cte = c(1, 1, 0)) 
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab