The matrix giving the Bernoulli rates. This is a
\(K\times K\) matrix, where \(K\) is the number of groups. The
probability of creating an edge between vertices from groups \(i\) and
\(j\) is given by element \((i,j)\). For undirected graphs, this matrix
must be symmetric.
Numeric vector giving the number of vertices in each
group. The sum of the vector must match the number of vertices.
Logical scalar, whether to generate a directed graph.
Logical scalar, whether self-loops are allowed in the graph.
Passed to sample_sbm.
An igraph graph.
This function samples graphs from a stochastic block model by (doing the
equivalent of) Bernoulli trials for each potential edge with the
probabilities given by the Bernoulli rate matrix, pref.matrix.
Faust, K., & Wasserman, S. (1992a). Blockmodels: Interpretation
and evaluation. Social Networks, 14, 5--61.
# NOT RUN {## Two groups with not only few connection between groupspm <- cbind( c(.1, .001), c(.001, .05) )
g <- sample_sbm(1000, pref.matrix=pm, block.sizes=c(300,700))
# }