creates a graph, where vertices age, and
gain new connections based on how long ago their last citation
sample_last_cit(n, edges = 1, agebins = n/7100, pref = (1:(agebins +
1))^-3, directed = TRUE)last_cit(...)
sample_cit_types(n, edges = 1, types = rep(0, n), pref = rep(1,
length(types)), directed = TRUE, attr = TRUE)
sample_cit_cit_types(n, edges = 1, types = rep(0, n),
pref = matrix(1, nrow = length(types), ncol = length(types)),
directed = TRUE, attr = TRUE)
Number of vertices.
Number of edges per step.
Number of aging bins.
Vector (sample_last_cit
and sample_cit_types
matrix (sample_cit_cit_types
) giving the (unnormalized) citation
probabilities for the different vertex types.
Logical scalar, whether to generate directed networks.
Passed to the actual constructor.
Vector of length ‘n
’, the types of the vertices.
Types are numbered from zero.
Logical scalar, whether to add the vertex types to the generated
graph as a vertex attribute called ‘type
A new graph.
is a stochastic block model where the
graph is growing.
is similarly a growing stochastic block model,
but the probability of an edge depends on the (potentiall) cited
vertex only.