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The magick library package stores its data as "magick-image" object, which may in fact contain several images or an animation. These functions convert magick objects into imager objects or imager objects into magick objects. Note that cimg2magick function requires magick package.
magick2imlist(obj, alpha = "rm", ...)magick2cimg(obj, alpha = "rm", ...)
cimg2magick(im, rotate = TRUE)
an object of class cimg or imlist
an object of class "magick-image"
an object of class "magick-image"
what do to with the alpha channel ("rm": remove and store as attribute, "flatten": flatten, "keep": keep). Default: "rm"
an image of class cimg
determine if rotate image to adjust orientation of image
Jan Wijffels, Simon Barthelme
Shota Ochi
flatten.alpha, rm.alpha