by default assumes first column of cell.dat is x1 and second is x2 leave grid1 NULL if feature x1 is a factor the difference variable has to be named .yhat.diff
impute_cells(cell.dat, grid1 = NULL, grid2, x1.ind = 1, x2.ind = 2)
data.table with at least 4 columns: .yhat.diff and the two interval indices. Make sure that empty cells are also included and cell.dat is not the sparse representation.
data.frame where each row is the actual value for a given interval index for feature 1. If empty impute_cells assumes that the feature is categorical (factor).
data.frame where each row is the actual value for a given interval index for feature 2
column number or name of cell.dat for feature 1. If one feature is categorical, has to be x1
column number or name of cell.dat for feature 2