"Length of time series" - Number of observations in the time series (including NAs)
"Number of Missing Values" - Number of missing values in the time series
"Percentage of Missing Values" - Percentage of missing values in the time series
"Number of Gaps" - Number of NA gaps (consisting of one or more consecutive NAs) in the time series
"Average Gap Size" - Average size of consecutive NAs for the NA gaps in the time series
"Stats for Bins" - Number/percentage of missing values for the split into bins
"Longest NA gap" - Longest series of consecutive missing values (NAs in a row) in the time series
"Most frequent gap size" - Most frequent occurring series of missing values in the time series
"Gap size accounting for most NAs" - The series of consecutive missing values that accounts for most missing values overall in the time series
"Overview NA series" - Overview about how often each series of consecutive missing values occurs. Series occurring 0 times are skipped
It is furthermore, important to note, that you are able to choose whether
the function returns a list or prints the information only.
(see description of parameter "print_only")