inegi_series_multiple: Returns multiple INEGI data series
Returns a data.frame with multiple time series chosen from INEGI webservice. The output will always be a data.frame (not tibble) with compacted metadata. (See inegi_series to understand as_tt = FALSE and as_compact = TRUE).
A vector of indicator ID's. These are obtained via the INEGI API documentation.
API token supplied by INEGI.
Optional vector of names to assign to each id. If NULL, a numerical index is assigned.
Geography code of INEGI. Defaults to 00 (National)
Is the id from BIE (Banco de Informacion Economica) or BISE (Banco de Indicadores). Defaults to BIE. To learn more about what database your indicator is stored in, visit INEGI docs.
# NOT RUN {# General INPC seriestoken <- "webservice_token"some_series <- c("216064", "216097")
result <- inegi_series_multiple(some_series, token)
# }