- graph
A graph (network) of the igraph class.
- vertices
A vector of desired vertices, which could be obtained by the V function.
- directed
Logical scalar, whether to directed graph is analyzed. This argument
is ignored for undirected graphs.
- mode
The mode of Hubness score depending on the directedness of the graph.
If the graph is undirected, the mode "all" should be specified.
Otherwise, for the calculation of Hubness score based on
incoming connections select "in" and for the outgoing connections select "out".
Also, if all of the connections are desired, specify the "all" mode. Default mode is set to "all".
- loops
Logical; whether the loop edges are also counted.
- scale
Character string; the method used for scaling/normalizing the results. Options include 'range' (normalization within a 1-100 range),
'z-scale' (standardization using the z-score), and 'none' (no data scaling). The default selection is 'range'. Opting for the 'range' method is
suitable when exploring a single network, allowing you to observe the complete spectrum and distribution of node influences. In this case, there is
no intention to establish a specific threshold for the outcomes. However, it is possible to identify and present the top hub nodes
based on their rankings. Conversely, the 'z-scale' option proves advantageous if the aim is to compare node influences across multiple networks or
if there is a desire to establish a threshold (usually z-score > 1.645) for generating a list of the most hub nodes without manual intervention.
- verbose
Logical; whether the accomplishment of different stages of the algorithm should be printed (default is FALSE).