Functions that gives a time estimate for an intamap function given the number of observations and predictionLocations
predictTime(nObs, nPred, class, formulaString, calibration=FALSE,
outputWhat, FUN = "spatialPredict",...)
An integer or an array of integers with the predicted times.
An integer or an array of integers containing the number of observations.
An integer or an array of integers containing the number of predictions.
class of intamapObject, which interpolation method to be used
the formula of the request, mainly to see if the request has independent variables
enables or disables time calibration - not properly implemented yet
List defining the requested type of output, see
A string with the intamap functions name, now obsolete
other arguments needed to define the intamap object.
The function is based on timeModels
being available in the workspace.
This is a loess
-model that has been fitted to different calls to a range of
interpolation requests with synthetically generated data in
Pebesma, E., Cornford, D., Dubois, G., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Hristopulos, D., Pilz, J., Stohlker, U., Morin, G., Skoien, J.O. INTAMAP: The design and implementation f an interoperable automated interpolation Web Service. Computers and Geosciences 37 (3), 2011.