A function to create a list of arguments for icfit
icfitControl(epsilon = 1e-06, maxit = 10000, initfitOpts=NULL, conf.level=.95, B=200,
confMethod="modboot",seed=19439101, timeEpsilon=1e-06, timeMessage=TRUE)
An list with the arguments as components.
The minimum error for convergence purposes. The EM algorithm stops when error \(<\) epsilon, where error is the maximum of the reduced gradients (see Gentleman and Geyer, 1994)
maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm
named list of options for initfit function if initfit is function name
level for confidence interval, used if conf.int=TRUE
number of bootstrap replications for conf.int=TRUE, must be at least 11
method for confidence intervals, must be "modboot"
random seed for bootstrap, if NULL no call to set.seed
small number for adding or subtracting from time for drawing confidence interval lines
logical, print estimate of how long modified bootstrap confidence intervals will take to calculate?
There is only one option for the confMethod now. The confMethod argument is only needed for future versions if there is another confidence interval method option.
For a description of the modified bootstrap method see icfit
Gentleman, R. and Geyer, C.J. (1994). Maximum likelihood for interval censored data:consistency and computation. Biometrika, 81, 618-623.