Functions mostly called by ictest
. Not to be directly called by user.
icScoreTest(icFIT, group, scores, alternative = "two.sided", tol.svd = 10^-8)
icWSR(fit, group, scores, alternative, type, control)
wsrHLYpclt(A, p, x, group, alternative, nwsr, type, RHO)
wsrMC(A, p, x, group, alternative, nwsr, np, digits = 12)
scoresFromFit(icFIT, scores, dqfunc=NULL)
icfit object from all the data
group vector, either numeric or character
either 'logrank1', 'logrank2', or 'wmw'
either 'less','greater','two.sided', or 'two.sidedAbs'
small number, values less than that set to zero in svd
icfit object from all the data
either 'wsr.pclt','wsr.HLY', or ''
list passing options to function, see mControl
number of within subject resamples
number of permutation replications within each wsr
for ties, treat values as tied when matched to this number of digits
A matrix from icfit object on all data
pf vector from icfit object on all data
vector of scores associated with each value of p
function, density of the results of the quantile function, e.g., function(x)dnorm(qnorm(x)) (used for 'general' scores,
see ictest
left endpoints
right endpoints
confidence level for two-sided confidence interval
number of bootstrap replications
small amount of time added or subtracted from times, for plotting confidence intervals
numeric, if non-NULL then calls set.seed for bootstrap so it will be repeatable.