intsvy.ben.pv calculates the percentage of students performing at or above the cut-off points (scores) given by the useR. The default are the benchmarks established by official reports.
intsvy.ben.pv(pvnames, by, cutoff, data, atlevel=FALSE, export = FALSE, name = "output",
folder = getwd(), config)
pirls.ben.pv returns a data frame with the percentage of students at or above the benchmark and the corresponding standard error.
The names of columns corresponding to the achievement plausible scores, for example, paste0("PV",1:10,"MATH") for PISA
The cut-off points for the assessment benchmarks (e.g., cutoff= c(357.77, 420.07, 482.38, 544.68, 606.99, 669.30)).
The label for the grouping variable, usually the countries (i.e., by="IDCNTRYL"), but could be any other categorical variable.
An R object, normally a data frame, containing the data from PIRLS.
A logical value. If TRUE, percentages at each level are calculated. Otherwise (FALSE), percentages at or above levels are reported.
A logical value. If TRUE, the output is exported to a file in comma-separated value format (.csv) that can be opened from LibreOffice or Excel.
The name of the exported file.
The folder where the exported file is located.
Object with configuration of a given study. Should contain the slot `prefixes` with prefixes of filenames with the student, home, school, and teacher data.
timss.ben.pv, pirls.ben.pv, pisa.ben.pv