Learn R Programming

ipaddress (version 1.0.2)

ip_operators: Operators for IP addresses


ip_address vectors support the following operators:

  • bitwise logic operators: ! (NOT), & (AND), | (OR), ^ (XOR)

  • bitwise shift operators: %<<% (left shift), %>>% (right shift)

  • arithmetic operators: + (addition), - (subtraction)



Run this code
# use ip_to_binary() to understand these examples better

# bitwise NOT

# bitwise AND
ip_address("") & ip_address("")

# bitwise OR
ip_address("") | ip_address("")

# bitwise XOR
ip_address("") ^ ip_address("")

# bitwise shift left
ip_address("") %<<% 1

# bitwise shift right
ip_address("") %>>% 1

# addition of integers
ip_address("") + 10

# subtraction of integers
ip_address("") - 10

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab