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irace (version 4.2.0)

ablation_cmdline: Launch ablation with command-line options.


Launch ablation() with the same command-line options as the command-line executable (ablation.exe in Windows).


ablation_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))


A list containing the following elements:


Configurations tested in the ablation.


State of the ablation process.


A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).


Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.


IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.


Best configuration found in the experiments.


TRUE if the ablation process was completed.



The arguments provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g., c("-i", "irace.Rdata", "--src", 1).


Manuel López-Ibáñez


The function reads the parameters given on the command line used to invoke R, launches ablation() and possibly plotAblation().

List of command-line options:

-l,--log-file            Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which
                         the "iraceResults" object will be loaded.
-S,--src                 Source configuration ID or the path to a file
                         containing the configuration. Default: 1.
-T,--target              Target configuration ID (by default the best
                         configuration found by irace) or the path to a file
                         containing the configuration.
-P,--params              Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation
                         (separated with commas). By default use all
-t,--type                Type of ablation to perform: "full" will execute each
                         configuration on all "--n-instances" to determine the
                         best-performing one; "racing" will apply racing to
                         find the best configurations. Default: full.
-n,--nrep                Number of replications per instance used in "full"
                         ablation. Default: 1.
   --seed                Integer value to use as seed for the random number
                         generation. Default: 1234567.
-o,--output-file         Log file to save the ablation log. If "", the results
                         are not saved to a file. Default: log-ablation.Rdata.
   --instances-file      Instances file used for ablation: "train", "test" or a
                         filename containing the list of instances. Default:
-p,--plot                Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no
                         plot is created.
-O,--plot-type           Type of plot. Supported values are "mean", "boxplot",
                         "rank" or "rank,boxplot". Default: mean.
   --old-path            Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input
                         to be replaced by --new-path.
   --new-path            New path to replace the path found in the log-file
                         (.Rdata) given as input.
-e,--exec-dir            Directory where the target runner will be run.
-s,--scenario            Scenario file to override the scenario given in the
                         log-file (.Rdata)
   --parallel            Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in
                         parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.

See Also

plotAblation() ablation()


Run this code
# Find the ablation command-line executable:
Sys.glob(file.path(system.file(package="irace", "bin"), "ablation*"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab