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Plot the item-total regressions fit by the interaction (or Rasch) model
# S3 method for imp plot( x, items = NULL, shade = 10, highlight = -Inf, add = FALSE, main = "Item-total regression", label = FALSE, ... )
An object produced by function interactionModel
The items to plot (column numbers). If NULL, all items will be plotted
The part of the probability mass for the sum scores to shade out, shown as percentage. Default is 10: shade the most extreme 10 Ignored when add=TRUE.
Cutpoint for the interaction parameter below which a regression line will be highlighted in red. Default is -Inf (do not highlight).
When add=TRUE, the graph is added to a plot, otherwise a new plot is started. Default is FALSE.
The main title of the plot, given that add=FALSE.
When label=TRUE, individual curves will be labeled with the item number.
Any additional plotting parameters
# NOT RUN { plot(interactionModel(Scored), highlight=-.3) # }
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