### Example 1: fitting capability ##############################################
## generate an example data set
years <- 2003:2012 # years
nyears <- length(years)
n <- 250 # sample size for each (different) xi
u <- 200 # threshold
rGPD <- function(n, xi, beta) ((1-runif(n))^(-xi)-1)*beta/xi # sampling GPD
set.seed(17) # setting seed
xi.true.A <- seq(0.4, 0.8, length=nyears) # true xi for group "A"
## generate losses for group "A"
lossA <- unlist(lapply(1:nyears,
function(y) u + rGPD(n, xi=xi.true.A[y], beta=1)))
xi.true.B <- xi.true.A^2 # true xi for group "B"
## generate losses for group "B"
lossB <- unlist(lapply(1:nyears,
function(y) u + rGPD(n, xi=xi.true.B[y], beta=1)))
## build data frame
time <- rep(rep(years, each=n), 2) # "2" stands for the two groups
covar <- rep(c("A","B"), each=n*nyears)
value <- c(lossA, lossB)
x <- data.frame(covar=covar, time=time, value=value)
## fit
eps <- 1e-3 # to decrease the run time for this example
fit <- gamGPDfit(x, threshold=u, datvar="value", xiFrhs=~covar+s(time)-1,
nuFrhs=~covar+s(time)-1, epsxi=eps, epsnu=eps)
## note: choosing s(..., bs="cr") will fit cubic splines
## grab the fitted values per group and year
xi.fit <- fitted(fit$xiObj)
xi.fit. <- xi.fit[1+(0:(2*nyears-1))*n] # pick fit for each group and year
xi.fit.A <- xi.fit.[1:nyears] # fit for "A" and each year
xi.fit.B <- xi.fit.[(nyears+1):(2*nyears)] # fit for "B" and each year
## plot the fitted values of xi and the true ones we simulated from
plot(years, xi.true.A, type="l", ylim=range(xi.true.A, xi.fit.A),
main="Group A", xlab="Year", ylab=expression(xi))
points(years, xi.fit.A, type="l", col="red")
legend("topleft", inset=0.04, lty=1, col=c("black", "red"),
legend=c("true", "fitted"), bty="n")
plot(years, xi.true.B, type="l", ylim=range(xi.true.B, xi.fit.B),
main="Group B", xlab="Year", ylab=expression(xi))
points(years, xi.fit.B, type="l", col="blue")
legend("topleft", inset=0.04, lty=1, col=c("black", "blue"),
legend=c("true", "fitted"), bty="n")
# }
### Example 2: Comparison of (the more general) gamGPDfit() with gpd.fit() ########
set.seed(17) # setting seed
xi.true.A <- rep(0.4, length=nyears)
xi.true.B <- rep(0.8, length=nyears)
## generate losses for group "A"
lossA <- unlist(lapply(1:nyears,
function(y) u + rGPD(n, xi=xi.true.A[y], beta=1)))
## generate losses for group "B"
lossB <- unlist(lapply(1:nyears,
function(y) u + rGPD(n, xi=xi.true.B[y], beta=1)))
## build data frame
x <- data.frame(covar=covar, time=time, value=c(lossA, lossB))
## fit with gpd.fit
fit.coles <- gpd.fit(x$value, threshold=u, shl=1, sigl=1, ydat=x)
xi.fit.coles.A <- fit.coles$mle[3]+1*fit.coles$mle[4]
xi.fit.coles.B <- fit.coles$mle[3]+2*fit.coles$mle[4]
## fit with gamGPDfit()
fit <- gamGPDfit(x, threshold=u, datvar="value", xiFrhs=~covar, nuFrhs=~covar,
epsxi=eps, epsnu=eps)
xi.fit <- fitted(fit$xiObj)
xi.fit.A <- as.numeric(xi.fit[1]) # fit for group "A"
xi.fit.B <- as.numeric(xi.fit[nyears*n+1]) # fit for group "B"
## comparison
# }
# dontrun
# }
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