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isotree (version 0.6.1-4)

isotree.restore.handle: Unpack isolation forest model after de-serializing


After persisting an isolation forest model object through `saveRDS`, `save`, or restarting a session, the underlying C++ objects that constitute the isolation forest model and which live only on the C++ heap memory are not saved along, and depending on parameter `lazy_serialization`, might not get automatically restored after loading a saved model through `readRDS` or `load`.

The model object however keeps serialized versions of the C++ objects as raw bytes, from which the C++ objects can be reconstructed, and are done so automatically upon de-serialization when using `lazy_serialization=TRUE`, but otherwise, the C++ objects will only get de-serialized after calling `predict`, `print`, `summary`, or `isotree.add.tree` on the freshly-loaded object from `readRDS` or `load`.

This function allows to automatically de-serialize the object ("complete" or "restore" the handle) without having to call any function that would do extra processing when one uses `lazy_serialization=FALSE` (calling the function is not needed when using `lazy_serialization=TRUE`).

It is an analog to XGBoost's `xgb.Booster.complete` and CatBoost's `catboost.restore_handle` functions.

If the model was buit with `lazy_serialization=TRUE`, this function will not do anything to the object.




The same model object that was passed as input. Object is modified in-place however, so it does not need to be re-assigned.



An Isolation Forest object as returned by `isolation.forest`, which has been just loaded from a disk file through `readRDS`, `load`, or a session restart, and which was constructed with `lazy_serialization=FALSE`.


If using this function to de-serialize a model in a production system, one might want to delete the serialized bytes inside the object afterwards in order to free up memory. These are under `model$cpp_objects$(model,imputer,indexer)$ser` - e.g.: `model$cpp_objects$model$ser = NULL; gc()`.


Run this code
### Warning: this example will generate a temporary .Rds
### file in your temp folder, and will then delete it

### First, create a model from random data
X <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 20)
iso <- isolation.forest(X, ntrees=10, nthreads=1, lazy_serialization=FALSE)

### Now serialize the model
temp_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "iso.Rds")
saveRDS(iso, temp_file)
iso2 <- readRDS(temp_file)

cat("Model pointer after loading is this: \n")

### now unpack it

cat("Model pointer after unpacking is this: \n")

### Note that this function is not needed when using lazy_serialization=TRUE
iso_lazy <- isolation.forest(X, ntrees=10, nthreads=1, lazy_serialization=TRUE)
temp_file_lazy <- file.path(tempdir(), "iso_lazy.Rds")
saveRDS(iso_lazy, temp_file_lazy)
iso_lazy2 <- readRDS(temp_file_lazy)
cat("Model pointer after unpacking lazy-serialized: \n")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab