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iterLap (version 1.1-4)

iterLap-package: iterLap package information


Implementation of iterLap



Bjoern Bornkamp

Maintainer: Bjoern Bornkamp <bbnkmp@gmail.com>


This package implements the multiple mode Laplace approximation by Gelman and Rubin (via function GRApprox) and the iterated Laplace approximation (via the function iterLap). Both functions return objects of class mixDist, which contain the fitted mode vectors and covariance matrices. Print and summary methods exist to display the contents of a mixDist object in human-readable form. Function IS performs importance sampling, using a mixDist object as input parameter.


Bornkamp, B. (2011). Approximating Probability Densities by Iterated Laplace Approximations, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(3), 656--669.


Run this code
  ## banana example
  banana <- function(pars, b, sigma12){
    dim <- 10
    y <- c(pars[1], pars[2]+b*(pars[1]^2-sigma12), pars[3:dim])
    cc <- c(1/sqrt(sigma12), rep(1, dim-1))

  start <- rbind(rep(0,10),rep(-1.5,10),rep(1.5,10))
  ## multiple mode Laplace approximation
  gr <- GRApprox(banana, start, b = 0.03, sigma12 = 100)
  ## print mixDist object
  ## summary method
  ## importance sampling using the obtained mixDist object 
  ## using a mixture of t distributions with 10 degrees of freedom
  issamp <- IS(gr, nSim=1000, df = 10, post=banana, b = 0.03,
               sigma12 = 100)
  ## effective sample size

  ## now use iterated Laplace approximation (using gr mixDist object
  ## from above as starting approximation)
  iL <- iterLap(banana, GRobj = gr, b = 0.03, sigma12 = 100)
  ISObj <- IS(iL, nSim=10000, df = 100, post=banana, b = 0.03,
              sigma12 = 100)
  ## residual resampling to obtain unweighted sample
  sims <- resample(1000, ISObj)
  plot(sims[,1], sims[,2], xlim=c(-40,40), ylim = c(-40,20))

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