This function is deprecated, use the adorn_
family of functions instead.
denom = "row",
show_n = TRUE,
digits = 1,
show_totals = FALSE,
rounding = "half to even"
a data.frame with row names in the first column and numeric values in all other columns. Usually the piped-in result of a call to crosstab
that included the argument percent = "none"
the denominator to use for calculating percentages. One of "row", "col", or "all".
should counts be displayed alongside the percentages?
how many digits should be displayed after the decimal point?
display a totals summary? Will be a row, column, or both depending on the value of denom
method to use for truncating percentages - either "half to even", the base R default method, or "half up", where 14.5 rounds up to 15.
Returns a data.frame.