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janitor (version 2.2.1)

adorn_rounding: Round the numeric columns in a data.frame.


Can run on any data.frame with at least one numeric column. This function defaults to excluding the first column of the input data.frame, assuming that it contains a descriptive variable, but this can be overridden by specifying the columns to round in the ... argument.

If you're formatting percentages, e.g., the result of adorn_percentages(), use adorn_pct_formatting() instead. This is a more flexible variant for ad-hoc usage. Compared to adorn_pct_formatting(), it does not multiply by 100 or pad the numbers with spaces for alignment in the results data.frame. This function retains the class of numeric input columns.


adorn_rounding(dat, digits = 1, rounding = "half to even", ...)


Returns the data.frame with rounded numeric columns.



a tabyl or other data.frame with similar layout. If given a list of data.frames, this function will apply itself to each data.frame in the list (designed for 3-way tabyl lists).


how many digits should be displayed after the decimal point?


method to use for rounding - either "half to even", the base R default method, or "half up", where 14.5 rounds up to 15.


columns to adorn. This takes a tidyselect specification. By default, all numeric columns (besides the initial column, if numeric) are adorned, but this allows you to manually specify which columns should be adorned, for use on a data.frame that does not result from a call to tabyl.


Run this code

mtcars %>%
  tabyl(am, cyl) %>%
  adorn_percentages() %>%
  adorn_rounding(digits = 2, rounding = "half up")

# tolerates non-numeric columns:
mtcars %>%
  tabyl(am, cyl) %>%
  adorn_percentages("all") %>%
  mutate(dummy = "a") %>%
# Control the columns to be adorned with the ... variable selection argument
# If using only the ... argument, you can use empty commas as shorthand 
# to supply the default values to the preceding arguments:
cases <- data.frame(
  region = c("East", "West"),
  year = 2015,
  recovered = c(125, 87),
  died = c(13, 12)

cases %>%
  adorn_percentages(,,ends_with("ed")) %>%
  adorn_rounding(,,one_of(c("recovered", "died")))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab