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janitor (version 2.2.1)

compare_df_cols_same: Do the the data.frames have the same columns & types?


Check whether a set of data.frames are row-bindable. Calls compare_df_cols()and returns TRUE if there are no mis-matching rows. `


  bind_method = c("bind_rows", "rbind"),
  verbose = TRUE


TRUE if row binding will succeed or FALSE if it will fail.



A combination of data.frames, tibbles, and lists of data.frames/tibbles. The values may optionally be named arguments; if named, the output column will be the name; if not named, the output column will be the data.frame name (see examples section).


What method of binding should be used to determine matches? With "bind_rows", columns missing from a data.frame would be considered a match (as in dplyr::bind_rows(); with "rbind", columns missing from a data.frame would be considered a mismatch (as in base::rbind().


Print the mismatching columns if binding will fail.

See Also

Other Data frame type comparison: compare_df_cols(), describe_class()


Run this code
compare_df_cols_same(data.frame(A=1), data.frame(A=2))
compare_df_cols_same(data.frame(A=1), data.frame(B=2))
compare_df_cols_same(data.frame(A=1), data.frame(B=2), verbose=FALSE)
compare_df_cols_same(data.frame(A=1), data.frame(B=2), bind_method="rbind")

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