If there is a relative majority (plurality) of the probes in a probe set that are specific
for a single gene, this is defined as the targeted gene. If no such majority exists,
the targeted gene is defined as NA
, as are the following scores.The processivity requirement is the number of consecutive bases that
must be synthesized to generate a target that can be detected by the probe set.
The specificity score is the fraction of the probes in a probe set
that are likely to detect the targeted gene and unlikely to detect other genes.
The coverage score is the fraction of the splice isoforms
belonging to the targeted gene that are detected by the probe set.
The following two scores are not contained in this data, but are calculated from the above scores; to see them use jscores
The robustness score quantifies robustness against transcript
degradation. The robustness score uses the processivity requirement to estimate the
signal intensity of a probe set, relative to the ideal case of perfect processivity.
The overall score is the product of the specificity score,
coverage score, and robustness score.
All scores can range from 0 to 1. A higher score indicates better (predicted) performance.
Details about the jetset algorithm are available in the vignette.