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plotConvergence: Plot convergence time series for parameter vectors from an mjoint object


Plot convergence time series for parameter vectors from an mjoint object.


plotConvergence(object, params = "gamma", discard = FALSE)



an object inheriting from class mjoint for a joint model of time-to-event and multivariate longitudinal data.


a string indicating what parameters are to be shown. Options are params='gamma' for the time-to-event sub-model covariate coefficients, including the latent association parameters; params='beta' for the longitudinal sub-model fixed effects coefficients; params='sigma2' for the residual error variances from the longitudinal sub-model; params='D' for the lower triangular matrix of the variance-covariance matrix of random effects; params='loglik' for the log-likelihood.


logical; if TRUE then the 'burn-in' phase iterations of the MCEM algorithm are discarded. Default is discard=FALSE.


Graeme L. Hickey (graemeleehickey@gmail.com)


Wei GC, Tanner MA. A Monte Carlo implementation of the EM algorithm and the poor man's data augmentation algorithms. J Am Stat Assoc. 1990; 85(411): 699-704.

See Also

plot.mjoint, plot.default, par, abline.