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jtools (version 2.3.0)

set_summ_defaults: Set defaults for summ() functions


This function is convenience wrapper for manually setting options using options(). This gives a handy way to, for instance, set the arguments to be used in every call to summ() in your script/session.

To make the settings persist across sessions, you can run this in your .Rprofile file.

Note that arguments that do not apply (e.g., robust for merMod models) are silently ignored when those types of models are used.


  digits = NULL,
  model.info = NULL,
  model.fit = NULL,
  model.coefs = NULL,
  pvals = NULL,
  robust = NULL,
  confint = NULL,
  ci.width = NULL,
  vifs = NULL,
  conf.method = NULL,
  table.format = NULL



An integer specifying the number of digits past the decimal to report in the output. Default is 2. You can change the default number of digits for all jtools functions with options("jtools-digits" = digits) where digits is the desired number.


Toggles printing of basic information on sample size, name of DV, and number of predictors.


Toggles printing of model fit statistics.


Toggles printing of model coefficents.


Show p values? If FALSE, these are not printed. Default is TRUE.


If not FALSE, reports heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors instead of conventional SEs. These are also known as Huber-White standard errors. There are several options provided by sandwich::vcovHC(): "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5".

Default is FALSE.

This requires the sandwich package to compute the standard errors.


Show confidence intervals instead of standard errors? Default is FALSE.


A number between 0 and 1 that signifies the width of the desired confidence interval. Default is .95, which corresponds to a 95% confidence interval. Ignored if confint = FALSE.


If TRUE, adds a column to output with variance inflation factors (VIF). Default is FALSE.


Argument passed to lme4::confint.merMod(). Default is "Wald", but "profile" or "boot" are better when accuracy is a priority. Be aware that both of the alternate methods are sometimes very time-consuming.


A format understood by md_table()