3D deconvolution (i.e. transposed convolution).
k_conv3d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides = c(1, 1, 1),
padding = "valid", data_format = NULL)
input tensor.
kernel tensor.
1D int tensor for the output shape.
string, "same" or "valid".
string, "channels_last"
or "channels_first"
. Whether
to use Theano or TensorFlow/CNTK data format for inputs/kernels/outputs.
A tensor, result of transposed 3D convolution.
This function is part of a set of Keras backend functions that enable lower level access to the core operations of the backend tensor engine (e.g. TensorFlow, CNTK, Theano, etc.).
You can see a list of all available backend functions here: https://keras.rstudio.com/articles/backend.html#backend-functions.